How to shop on TaoBao and avoid pirated goods

An experience I found on Taobao on the sale of products have no special quality control, according to Tmall regulatory shelves and complaints handling process, the way to judge, I believe the fake on it is not necessarily less than the Taobao market less . Since there is a fake problem, then the question of quality. . . 

A long time ago, try to recall: I bought a set of X brand nail clippers set on Taobao, the item received found very rough. So in the X brand official website check the item, fortunate enough to find the same type of promotional pages marked on the weight of each gadget, just my home kitchen scale, accurate to 1g. After measurement, I received a few gadgets on the actual weight and promotional pages have a greater discrepancy, one of the nominal 9g weight ear spoon weighing result is 6g, whereby I am sure that this set of nail clippers is a fake goods.

It is far safer to shop on Tmall or Lazda’s Taobao where there is a proper quality control to ensure there are fewer contrbrand stiff and fake goods. One can even utilise Lazada promo discount codes to help save more money when shopping on Taobao. It might be the aunty spirit in me that lives on but these promo codes can help save a ton especially during sale.

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