Giving my love to people who do not cherish me

Giving my love to people who do not cherish me

1 , if one day, you say you want me, I will say to you : late …

2 , to leave you, I will not cry , because you did not cherish me …

3 , sad voice , you can not hear , ignorance of what I waiting for?

4 , gently, do not want to bother you. Unfortunately, I still ran into the memory of the pain !

5 , stay on your side, my life is only a possibility , and that is painful. But to leave you, my life might have ten thousand kinds !

6 , the golden years, watery Love , along with your leave, I ruined my years of Love , you know?

7, in the depths of my heart, have you unexpected pain, in the end can hold long, still maintain my strong smile.

8 , maybe I is not mature enough , but perhaps because you’re too young …

9 , close my eyes , I saw your 12 does not matter , I did not care about you, but I care about you so-called can not afford …

10 , in this world , no one deserves me cry, I cry because people deserve , do not make me cry .

11 , accustomed to your indifference , let me know what suddenly care !

12 , promises you give like a star , so much, but I never get !

13 , the most precious word of life , is ” forgiveness ” !

14 , where the heart is only so big , it was definitely someone come in to leave !

15 , life is too long , you’re just a scenery !

16 , there are many things in life , is not to get lost . Maybe I lost a lot, but there must be obtained !

17 , the meaning of life , not to say : “I’m sorry “, but said: ” It does not matter .”

18 , love is like fireworks bloom, and then also a beautiful moment of CLS.

19 , if one day I die, that I must be oriented into the wind , always accompany you around !

20 , if you are destined to not give the response I expect , then we still kept at a safe distance from it !

21 , those who hurt so beautiful , so I would not put that smile can so painful !

22 , I began to like the original yourself, then there is no hurt , do not cry !

23 , inner freedom is the permanent representative of loneliness .

24 , the reality is too fake , or they are too stupid ?

25 , all because of loneliness , began an affair .

26 , the true meaning of life is : born, live.

27 , age is not a gap, height is not a distance.

28 , life is a one-way ticket, no retreat, no return !

29 , although sometimes I will be sad , but I have never had the happiness of others , so I contented !

30 , in love and be loved choice , I chose to be loved , wrong, can they do ?

31 , in your world , without my presence , so you do not feel my heart Cangsang !

32 , if there is no heart habitat where noted , where are homeless .

33 , no matter when , no matter where, as long as you need me, I ‘ll always be by your side.

34 , the world can ignore me , only you can not.

35 , deep pour into your arms , tightly attached to your chest , listening to the sound of your heart quietly !

36 , my weak mind , you can not afford storm-like love.

37 , please do not break my heart again only a trace of calm, I just want to keep it calm, quietly watching you .