I do not know where my love is

Full moon, silhouette fog, I do not know, where to ponder!

Spring and autumn temperature factors, time to fatigue, a moonlight Mu rain, Si Yi lightly.

Night sometime, whisper accompanied Xiao blowing a vocal, Si Yi does not sleep.

The wind, the lights dim Review. Short Love Quotes 

Dream of Love

Dream of Love (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I do not know, tonight mildly melodious tunes to whom the feeling of anxiety?

I do not know, charming moonlight tonight who will be cut to clear the dream?

I do not know, tonight will stare pictures smile who’s waiting?

A dream for you, gentle enough, is not it?

Reading you like to understand a poem; reading you like to understand a month; reading you like to understand a lotus; reading you like to understand a flower.

As for me, a sleeve fly, a sleeve poetry; a poem feelings, a Poetry; a leisurely thinking, but also dream; a dream for years, a crazy dream.

Iraq, we can see that there is a person, has been waiting for, has been in the waiting, but I do not know silly, Where Are You!

You see, I, style, Shen I, life Chizui; possession of you, a frown smile, pour me, I, bitter crossing; reading you, a mark melancholy, broken me, bent Banlan; captures you, moment smoke shadow, tired me, life Qiannian; research you an acacia; mess me, a dream of wandering; moment you drop a flood of tears, correct me, life is sad; beg you, I, the case edge, for me, life Guying; promise you, one language into prophecy, and finally me, a promise no regrets.

I met you, my fate; hear you, my solace. Go edge to edge, cut; poly edge scattered and chaotic; origin edge off, poly complex scattered. If missed, the outcome is still the separation of frustration. You say, if we had met in the past, but difficult life encounter continued Meng Yuan?

Perhaps, all karma, without a thousand words, I are thinking, you know; all karma, no thousand words, your kindness tenderness, I know.

Dream dreams, and asked world, where is my love? Dead of night, silent, set off with a calm mind, who knows, where you are!

However, Kagetsu never sleep, never smoke free, time reminders song. And I, but only in the hearts of the tombstone, engraved your name, your dreams ……