Last kiss Part 1

Last kiss Part 1

I remember the first day of high school , I had thought in Taiwan under such rigorous education system, I can actually on the high school, is really exciting.

The first day of the class , I think everyone will be on the new students in the class to hold it .. curious

When I carefully scanned each person’s class , my eyes gathered in a girl ‘s body , I just told myself sentence

[ Beautiful! ]

She gave me the feeling , like a flower. Temperament Like all fiction beauty,

Or any of the ordinary. Flo pen Empress Dowager beauty,

Do not know if comparable Sangui opened the gates to let Chen Yuanyuan ,

I quietly looked at her – I think I have a good new semester .

But … after she was completely not know one thing,

She loves to swear , and lazy , when we shift distributions cleaning work,

I am assigned to the same group with her , she never did , only with the kind of heady eyes begging me ,

I can not stand the temptation of the most beautiful , so I do it for six months ….

Six months we did not talk about anything , the only time the speech is in the cleaning time, but can not speak anything,

She has a boyfriend , but it is not clear what kind of person , every boyfriend she heard the sound of her size ,

~ Look expression heard swearing swearing when she goes there with her face really enough temperament do not match .

That day after school, the warm sun shines on the corner of campus,

She cleaned her area [ supervision ] cleaning, I help her do what she should do ,

Suddenly we both phones rang

[ Hey ~ ~ ~ ~ I’m doing it to clean it , you annoying yeah , no time today to tell you , you fucking do not understand Oh ! ] She began …

[ Ah ~ how ? How do you know I just bought a DVD player ? ] I was talking on the phone with my friend

[ Who is that woman ? Friend ? Your Qusi La ! Friend ~ deficit goes bad mouth you say export ] She started a little crazy

[ I’m not doing it ~ Today, I want to go home early , so be it ah ~ ~ ByeBye] hung up the phone, I quietly continued to sweep

[ Dry before breaking ah ~ ~ you lazy tell you , if you like those broken hemp, broke ah ~ bye ! ! ! ] She angrily off the phone

So pour the time , no one said anything , every one or two minutes, she asked me

[ Hey, you have a DVD , right ? ]

[ Yeah .. ] whom you want doing ?

[ I Haofan today , go to your house look good ? ]

[ It … ]

[ Not welcome even if the ~ ]

[ Not not welcome , but I lived yeah ]

[ What made you go to your house neuropathy friends – they do not want to thirty-eight ~ ~ Why are you afraid of me eat you oh ~ ] She finished hands on hips

I was surprised, but I told her classmates at best , simply unfamiliar, so her request surprised me

[ Well …]

To my house , I do not hesitate to call her wait at the door

[ Why ? ] She saw my face and asked loudly

[ My family a bit chaotic , Can you wait for me the first five minutes ]

[ Do not ! Hesitant , Open the door you ~ ]

I could not afford her three urging, or opened the door to let her in.

[ Also Okay ~ clean than I imagined , like the boys home like this, it should be all right ~ ]

[ Really? ]

Look she finished school , I started to help the whole house , this really surprised me , she is not lazy to die yet ?

[ Why are you still standing there ? Come and help ah ~ ]

[Yes .. yes .. ]

There seems to become her home, watching her busy East West is busy finishing , over a couple of minutes , she cried

[ Oh ~ Your secret is I found ! ! ]

[ What ? ] I am curious to ask

She took one look at the pile of magazines from the Japanese magazine , the cover is an AV actress, wearing a swimsuit standing on the beach ,

A [ Well come over here baby ~ ~ ~ ~ ] look, bad ~

[ It is normal for it ~ .. the guy does not look at this .. ] I’m really sorry

[ I did not say you’re not normal , you tense ass ah ~ ] She laughed very treacherous

Although often meet at the school , but always felt that this publication appears in front of the girls , still feel quite awkward ,

I pretend to put the trash magazines that attending a lost heart, told the magazine

[ You wait for me ! I’ll be back to pick you up ! ! ! ! ! ]

Probably every thirty minutes and finally cleanse , and I said thanks to her , but did not think she said

[ You can not go wrong with it , I was so good I can help you organize Le ~ ~ ~ First it ] her playful pull a finger

[ Because you always help me clean , and the second it ~ ] she pull a finger

[ Because I’m the short term , is likely to often come to disturb , so I do not want to watch TV in the rubbish , the third it ~ ] when she pressed down the third finger , I had a bad feeling ~

[ I think I might be in your home with your utilities, or eat your food , so little in return which can be considered finished Hello ~ ~ ]

Will not ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Flow woman ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Meng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[ Oh yes .. yes .. ] I began to laugh at his useless …

In this way, she come to this , unless she something , otherwise every day , and I even gave her a key ,

Sometimes I really can not withstand the temptation to blame their own beauty , much of my DVD movies , she also went to rent here soon changed her home,

In fact, she not speak I know that from that day at school talking on the phone with her ​​boyfriend tone seems ,

She must be angry with her boyfriend , so she came every day to this , and then told her , he said, did not empty ,

However, just because she was every day , we have a little more familiar topic yeah opened up a lot ,

It turns out her boyfriend was very hard to chase after her , any movie can book moves, can all be used,

So she was with him, but who knows , it bother her boyfriend , but she had always remembered that a situation ,

So they are not willing to break up and she came to my house, carrying a big bag of DVD, smiles at me , said today

[ Hey, do not drink at home , right ? Yesterday, I finished the ~ ]

Know asked ! ! ! – She really does not buy more …. now here is actually called home ..

[ Oh I buy, you do not eat snacks out on the ground ] I asked her

[ Know it – winded ]

In this way, she only accounted for a large dove my little Nestle , sometimes I go to work , she had to go home than I am ,

But the time I got home , the house is always clean , and the coffee is always filled with oven fragrant coffee,

And it must be my favorite flavor , so I visit her every day , not quite annoying.

What a long day came, she sometimes saw late watching a DVD , she simply does not go, do not go to class in the morning ,

Sleep until the afternoon together , even worse things to come to my friends house , I have to find the reason turned down ,

I said a month ago from my grandmother from the countryside to see me , because Pachao so inconvenient,

Has now been lured to say because no payment was water and electricity utilities ,

They also asked me

[ No water and electricity , you do not bathe grandmother Oh … ]


If they know my family ‘s possession of such beauty that they do not kill me strange.

Gradually, we became good friends talk about anything , although her domineering no less ….

So after three months , she is now better, go to class , but we do not go together

Because she said that people will not know better, so she used her as the most democratic way , [ Ms. priority ] ,

She said she go first, I have to wait fifteen minutes to go , so long as she was to sleep a few days, I’ll be late .

That day, I was late, routine teacher scraping the meal , back seat , looked around and did not see her

She is not the first to go out than I do ?

But I did not go , but in the classroom slowly over a day …

Home, watching TV , I saw her , I asked her

[ Why did not you go to school today ? ]

[ I went to my boyfriend .. ]

She looked at the TV, sitting on the ground , his arms around the legs , his face covered her will ,

Her eyes looked glazed

[ Yes Oh .. ]

I put down the bag, pour a cup of coffee when you are wanted , found that she did not help me today, coffee ,

Stupid jokes that she was going to help me cook time forgot ,

I heard gently ululation …

[ You …. crying? ] I tried to ask her

[ To You Tube …. ]

[ Oh .. I’m sorry .. ]

So , she sat TV ago, I stood in the kitchen of a small bar lift boiled coffee,

No one spoke , the sky gradually turn dark , the family did not turn on the lights , the TV light reflected in her face,

I saw a trace of lonely silence from the beginning to the present, she did not say a word,

Untouched look, as if , like wood , such an atmosphere , so I was given solidified air ,

Although she does not know what happened , but care is needed to moderate ,

I’m hungry too , to see her not to go out to eat ~

[ Do not go out to eat ? ]

Just when I ask her, she has asked me , and want to eat something ? Well why not ~ ~ ~ ~

[ Ah ~ go ~ ]

We walk down the street , did not say anything , her eyes still so dull ,

I thought that would take her to walk out a little better , but …

Free to walk into a store , I feel speechless familiar

But when you go in , I found , is really very, very familiar ah ~

Suddenly – I saw former girlfriend , with a man sitting together, I think it was her boyfriend ,

It reminds me of our previous favorite store things – how I came here? Under the heart to ask another

[ Her how in this ? ! ]

I think she must have seen me, I dare not face , they sat down with his back to panic

[ Met an acquaintance ? ] She finally spoke

[ Ah ~ former girlfriend , uh .. good embarrassment .. ]

[ You before how points ? ]

[ I do not want to say that I’m sorry … ] I just want to get something to eat , eat to get out


[ Why do not you tell her ? Afraid to speak it? ]

I turned around and saw the former girlfriend with her boyfriend standing behind , I do not know when she came to , the

Why would she ask me ?

Although not seen for a long time , but I knew she was angry, I was embarrassed to talk do not know what the face of the public eye ,

I looked down, whispered

[ At that time .. sorry … ]

[ I’m sorry .. ? Sorry what’s the use ? ] Looked at me and her face angry

I no longer speak, just listen to her boyfriend asked how it happened, I saw a girlfriend before turning to him, she said.

[ You’re her girlfriend? ]

I looked at her, she looked at me , mouth smiled free and strong inter- turned face was all smiles when I had a girlfriend before

Oh, no ! ! ! Old-fashioned things such series will not appear in the reality of

[Yes ah ~ I was his girlfriend , how ? Have any comments? ] She said confidently

Sure enough, this old-fashioned and old-fashioned thing, in reality …

I should thank her? Still feel sad that it ?

[ No comment ! But this indecisive person, I advise you not worth mentioning ! ]

[ Who says he indecisive ? ]

Do not fight it!

[ Well ~ He is the kind of person you want to kiss that will be considered before – really did not kind ! ]

[ So what ? I like good, he should consider – I can not consider ~ ]

Suddenly, she was holding my face, so kiss down ….

At that time I was this sudden thing , to scare the brain blank sheets of big eyes

, Floated around the faint scent of her , looking at her soulful eyes shut and kissed me ..

I do not know how long, her lips slowly away from me , turned to me and said quietly before girlfriend

[ Why care if he is not indecisive , love a person is not going to accept him everything?

If you can not accept it, why did he choose it ? ]

Suddenly I had a girlfriend to stay in place , without saying a word , I found her crying ..

We did not speak , I was confused mess of a step on , then I had a girlfriend took the boys to go out , said something before you go

[ He was lucky to run into you , I wish you have a happy , good-bye ! ]

I had a girlfriend gone, just for something, I can not be myself , especially since , under the intuition I said to her

[ Just .. just something I do not know what to say sorry or thank you , but .. but .. ] I am a poor word

She returned to the expression of atheism , back to me a [ ah ] do not speak …

This is not her usual ! ! Definitely not ! ! ! Today all her moves are not like her, she is very strong, how will ….

Yes ! Had heard a friend say that the girls in extreme grief , it’s easy to make things hurt themselves or against their will ,

Perhaps even with a dislike or do not know the man overnight , if she was really sad to want to give up their own words.

Such a thought , I think just that kiss , it should be that move against one …

That kiss is just a feeling , really nice , really, very nice ..

After dinner , we went to the store , I was smoking , she was still in a daze ~

Looking at her , I really think she is very beautiful, I suspect those are all just a dream ,

I really kiss her yet? But at the moment I think someone just help me free ,

Whatcha think so much ? People feel funny is that I did for a kiss , much deliberation over there

[ Hey, today you can be late to go back? ] She spoke again

[ Ah ~ Anyway, did not the adults at home ]

[ Great ~ That night we went crazy now ! ! ] She was pleased to say ~

This .. this .. I really do not understand it , she just is not very weak , it seems difficult to before?

Why now and very happy ?

I really can not figure out , however , reminds me of a joke

A man picked up a lamp, he rubbed wishmaster came out and asked him what desire ,

But only one man said

[ My wish is to have a bridge attached Taiwan and the United States ]

After listening to the wizard , says angry

[ You Can not promise to answer this impossible desire ? ]

That says something missing individuals

[ Well … that you just paid me one hundred percent understand a woman’s ability to be, how ? Simple enough, right ~ ]


Love Poem – Bonds of this world

Bonds of this world

You Rang, M'Lord?

You Rang, M’Lord? (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Breeze caresses and over
Rang the bells of that lethargy
In memory of the sky
And your smile remains under
Oath reminds young
Many want to tell you
My love for you – remain unchanged
The rain is still clear your smile
And my love is like the ocean Shen
Zoran juvenile dream has been broken
Once the promise also fly with the wind
Tragic Love Stories
Wishful pay
Love always,
Return is scarred pain
Counting the scars over the body
That bleeding heart
Still still love you

Love Pictures


If only you knew she loved you,
you could face the uncertainty
of whether you love her.

Love Pictures


I’m not asking for diamonds,
I’m not asking for the world,
I’m just asking for you to hold me…
And call me your babygirl…


I’m afraid to love afraid to love so fast,
because every time I fall in love it never seems to last.


It’s sad when people you know become
people you knew, When you can walk
right past someone like they were
never a big part of your life,
How you used to be able to talk for hours
And how now, you can barely even look at them


I know quickly whether
a guy is boyfriend material.
If I can have a good time
doing absolutely nothing with him,
then that’s boyfriend material for me.
Like if we’re able to have fun at a gas station.
I’ve had some really good times at gas stations.