Last kiss Part 1

Last kiss Part 1

I remember the first day of high school , I had thought in Taiwan under such rigorous education system, I can actually on the high school, is really exciting.

The first day of the class , I think everyone will be on the new students in the class to hold it .. curious

When I carefully scanned each person’s class , my eyes gathered in a girl ‘s body , I just told myself sentence

[ Beautiful! ]

She gave me the feeling , like a flower. Temperament Like all fiction beauty,

Or any of the ordinary. Flo pen Empress Dowager beauty,

Do not know if comparable Sangui opened the gates to let Chen Yuanyuan ,

I quietly looked at her – I think I have a good new semester .

But … after she was completely not know one thing,

She loves to swear , and lazy , when we shift distributions cleaning work,

I am assigned to the same group with her , she never did , only with the kind of heady eyes begging me ,

I can not stand the temptation of the most beautiful , so I do it for six months ….

Six months we did not talk about anything , the only time the speech is in the cleaning time, but can not speak anything,

She has a boyfriend , but it is not clear what kind of person , every boyfriend she heard the sound of her size ,

~ Look expression heard swearing swearing when she goes there with her face really enough temperament do not match .

That day after school, the warm sun shines on the corner of campus,

She cleaned her area [ supervision ] cleaning, I help her do what she should do ,

Suddenly we both phones rang

[ Hey ~ ~ ~ ~ I’m doing it to clean it , you annoying yeah , no time today to tell you , you fucking do not understand Oh ! ] She began …

[ Ah ~ how ? How do you know I just bought a DVD player ? ] I was talking on the phone with my friend

[ Who is that woman ? Friend ? Your Qusi La ! Friend ~ deficit goes bad mouth you say export ] She started a little crazy

[ I’m not doing it ~ Today, I want to go home early , so be it ah ~ ~ ByeBye] hung up the phone, I quietly continued to sweep

[ Dry before breaking ah ~ ~ you lazy tell you , if you like those broken hemp, broke ah ~ bye ! ! ! ] She angrily off the phone

So pour the time , no one said anything , every one or two minutes, she asked me

[ Hey, you have a DVD , right ? ]

[ Yeah .. ] whom you want doing ?

[ I Haofan today , go to your house look good ? ]

[ It … ]

[ Not welcome even if the ~ ]

[ Not not welcome , but I lived yeah ]

[ What made you go to your house neuropathy friends – they do not want to thirty-eight ~ ~ Why are you afraid of me eat you oh ~ ] She finished hands on hips

I was surprised, but I told her classmates at best , simply unfamiliar, so her request surprised me

[ Well …]

To my house , I do not hesitate to call her wait at the door

[ Why ? ] She saw my face and asked loudly

[ My family a bit chaotic , Can you wait for me the first five minutes ]

[ Do not ! Hesitant , Open the door you ~ ]

I could not afford her three urging, or opened the door to let her in.

[ Also Okay ~ clean than I imagined , like the boys home like this, it should be all right ~ ]

[ Really? ]

Look she finished school , I started to help the whole house , this really surprised me , she is not lazy to die yet ?

[ Why are you still standing there ? Come and help ah ~ ]

[Yes .. yes .. ]

There seems to become her home, watching her busy East West is busy finishing , over a couple of minutes , she cried

[ Oh ~ Your secret is I found ! ! ]

[ What ? ] I am curious to ask

She took one look at the pile of magazines from the Japanese magazine , the cover is an AV actress, wearing a swimsuit standing on the beach ,

A [ Well come over here baby ~ ~ ~ ~ ] look, bad ~

[ It is normal for it ~ .. the guy does not look at this .. ] I’m really sorry

[ I did not say you’re not normal , you tense ass ah ~ ] She laughed very treacherous

Although often meet at the school , but always felt that this publication appears in front of the girls , still feel quite awkward ,

I pretend to put the trash magazines that attending a lost heart, told the magazine

[ You wait for me ! I’ll be back to pick you up ! ! ! ! ! ]

Probably every thirty minutes and finally cleanse , and I said thanks to her , but did not think she said

[ You can not go wrong with it , I was so good I can help you organize Le ~ ~ ~ First it ] her playful pull a finger

[ Because you always help me clean , and the second it ~ ] she pull a finger

[ Because I’m the short term , is likely to often come to disturb , so I do not want to watch TV in the rubbish , the third it ~ ] when she pressed down the third finger , I had a bad feeling ~

[ I think I might be in your home with your utilities, or eat your food , so little in return which can be considered finished Hello ~ ~ ]

Will not ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Flow woman ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Meng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[ Oh yes .. yes .. ] I began to laugh at his useless …

In this way, she come to this , unless she something , otherwise every day , and I even gave her a key ,

Sometimes I really can not withstand the temptation to blame their own beauty , much of my DVD movies , she also went to rent here soon changed her home,

In fact, she not speak I know that from that day at school talking on the phone with her ​​boyfriend tone seems ,

She must be angry with her boyfriend , so she came every day to this , and then told her , he said, did not empty ,

However, just because she was every day , we have a little more familiar topic yeah opened up a lot ,

It turns out her boyfriend was very hard to chase after her , any movie can book moves, can all be used,

So she was with him, but who knows , it bother her boyfriend , but she had always remembered that a situation ,

So they are not willing to break up and she came to my house, carrying a big bag of DVD, smiles at me , said today

[ Hey, do not drink at home , right ? Yesterday, I finished the ~ ]

Know asked ! ! ! – She really does not buy more …. now here is actually called home ..

[ Oh I buy, you do not eat snacks out on the ground ] I asked her

[ Know it – winded ]

In this way, she only accounted for a large dove my little Nestle , sometimes I go to work , she had to go home than I am ,

But the time I got home , the house is always clean , and the coffee is always filled with oven fragrant coffee,

And it must be my favorite flavor , so I visit her every day , not quite annoying.

What a long day came, she sometimes saw late watching a DVD , she simply does not go, do not go to class in the morning ,

Sleep until the afternoon together , even worse things to come to my friends house , I have to find the reason turned down ,

I said a month ago from my grandmother from the countryside to see me , because Pachao so inconvenient,

Has now been lured to say because no payment was water and electricity utilities ,

They also asked me

[ No water and electricity , you do not bathe grandmother Oh … ]


If they know my family ‘s possession of such beauty that they do not kill me strange.

Gradually, we became good friends talk about anything , although her domineering no less ….

So after three months , she is now better, go to class , but we do not go together

Because she said that people will not know better, so she used her as the most democratic way , [ Ms. priority ] ,

She said she go first, I have to wait fifteen minutes to go , so long as she was to sleep a few days, I’ll be late .

That day, I was late, routine teacher scraping the meal , back seat , looked around and did not see her

She is not the first to go out than I do ?

But I did not go , but in the classroom slowly over a day …

Home, watching TV , I saw her , I asked her

[ Why did not you go to school today ? ]

[ I went to my boyfriend .. ]

She looked at the TV, sitting on the ground , his arms around the legs , his face covered her will ,

Her eyes looked glazed

[ Yes Oh .. ]

I put down the bag, pour a cup of coffee when you are wanted , found that she did not help me today, coffee ,

Stupid jokes that she was going to help me cook time forgot ,

I heard gently ululation …

[ You …. crying? ] I tried to ask her

[ To You Tube …. ]

[ Oh .. I’m sorry .. ]

So , she sat TV ago, I stood in the kitchen of a small bar lift boiled coffee,

No one spoke , the sky gradually turn dark , the family did not turn on the lights , the TV light reflected in her face,

I saw a trace of lonely silence from the beginning to the present, she did not say a word,

Untouched look, as if , like wood , such an atmosphere , so I was given solidified air ,

Although she does not know what happened , but care is needed to moderate ,

I’m hungry too , to see her not to go out to eat ~

[ Do not go out to eat ? ]

Just when I ask her, she has asked me , and want to eat something ? Well why not ~ ~ ~ ~

[ Ah ~ go ~ ]

We walk down the street , did not say anything , her eyes still so dull ,

I thought that would take her to walk out a little better , but …

Free to walk into a store , I feel speechless familiar

But when you go in , I found , is really very, very familiar ah ~

Suddenly – I saw former girlfriend , with a man sitting together, I think it was her boyfriend ,

It reminds me of our previous favorite store things – how I came here? Under the heart to ask another

[ Her how in this ? ! ]

I think she must have seen me, I dare not face , they sat down with his back to panic

[ Met an acquaintance ? ] She finally spoke

[ Ah ~ former girlfriend , uh .. good embarrassment .. ]

[ You before how points ? ]

[ I do not want to say that I’m sorry … ] I just want to get something to eat , eat to get out


[ Why do not you tell her ? Afraid to speak it? ]

I turned around and saw the former girlfriend with her boyfriend standing behind , I do not know when she came to , the

Why would she ask me ?

Although not seen for a long time , but I knew she was angry, I was embarrassed to talk do not know what the face of the public eye ,

I looked down, whispered

[ At that time .. sorry … ]

[ I’m sorry .. ? Sorry what’s the use ? ] Looked at me and her face angry

I no longer speak, just listen to her boyfriend asked how it happened, I saw a girlfriend before turning to him, she said.

[ You’re her girlfriend? ]

I looked at her, she looked at me , mouth smiled free and strong inter- turned face was all smiles when I had a girlfriend before

Oh, no ! ! ! Old-fashioned things such series will not appear in the reality of

[Yes ah ~ I was his girlfriend , how ? Have any comments? ] She said confidently

Sure enough, this old-fashioned and old-fashioned thing, in reality …

I should thank her? Still feel sad that it ?

[ No comment ! But this indecisive person, I advise you not worth mentioning ! ]

[ Who says he indecisive ? ]

Do not fight it!

[ Well ~ He is the kind of person you want to kiss that will be considered before – really did not kind ! ]

[ So what ? I like good, he should consider – I can not consider ~ ]

Suddenly, she was holding my face, so kiss down ….

At that time I was this sudden thing , to scare the brain blank sheets of big eyes

, Floated around the faint scent of her , looking at her soulful eyes shut and kissed me ..

I do not know how long, her lips slowly away from me , turned to me and said quietly before girlfriend

[ Why care if he is not indecisive , love a person is not going to accept him everything?

If you can not accept it, why did he choose it ? ]

Suddenly I had a girlfriend to stay in place , without saying a word , I found her crying ..

We did not speak , I was confused mess of a step on , then I had a girlfriend took the boys to go out , said something before you go

[ He was lucky to run into you , I wish you have a happy , good-bye ! ]

I had a girlfriend gone, just for something, I can not be myself , especially since , under the intuition I said to her

[ Just .. just something I do not know what to say sorry or thank you , but .. but .. ] I am a poor word

She returned to the expression of atheism , back to me a [ ah ] do not speak …

This is not her usual ! ! Definitely not ! ! ! Today all her moves are not like her, she is very strong, how will ….

Yes ! Had heard a friend say that the girls in extreme grief , it’s easy to make things hurt themselves or against their will ,

Perhaps even with a dislike or do not know the man overnight , if she was really sad to want to give up their own words.

Such a thought , I think just that kiss , it should be that move against one …

That kiss is just a feeling , really nice , really, very nice ..

After dinner , we went to the store , I was smoking , she was still in a daze ~

Looking at her , I really think she is very beautiful, I suspect those are all just a dream ,

I really kiss her yet? But at the moment I think someone just help me free ,

Whatcha think so much ? People feel funny is that I did for a kiss , much deliberation over there

[ Hey, today you can be late to go back? ] She spoke again

[ Ah ~ Anyway, did not the adults at home ]

[ Great ~ That night we went crazy now ! ! ] She was pleased to say ~

This .. this .. I really do not understand it , she just is not very weak , it seems difficult to before?

Why now and very happy ?

I really can not figure out , however , reminds me of a joke

A man picked up a lamp, he rubbed wishmaster came out and asked him what desire ,

But only one man said

[ My wish is to have a bridge attached Taiwan and the United States ]

After listening to the wizard , says angry

[ You Can not promise to answer this impossible desire ? ]

That says something missing individuals

[ Well … that you just paid me one hundred percent understand a woman’s ability to be, how ? Simple enough, right ~ ]


Giving my love to people who do not cherish me

Giving my love to people who do not cherish me

1 , if one day, you say you want me, I will say to you : late …

2 , to leave you, I will not cry , because you did not cherish me …

3 , sad voice , you can not hear , ignorance of what I waiting for?

4 , gently, do not want to bother you. Unfortunately, I still ran into the memory of the pain !

5 , stay on your side, my life is only a possibility , and that is painful. But to leave you, my life might have ten thousand kinds !

6 , the golden years, watery Love , along with your leave, I ruined my years of Love , you know?

7, in the depths of my heart, have you unexpected pain, in the end can hold long, still maintain my strong smile.

8 , maybe I is not mature enough , but perhaps because you’re too young …

9 , close my eyes , I saw your 12 does not matter , I did not care about you, but I care about you so-called can not afford …

10 , in this world , no one deserves me cry, I cry because people deserve , do not make me cry .

11 , accustomed to your indifference , let me know what suddenly care !

12 , promises you give like a star , so much, but I never get !

13 , the most precious word of life , is ” forgiveness ” !

14 , where the heart is only so big , it was definitely someone come in to leave !

15 , life is too long , you’re just a scenery !

16 , there are many things in life , is not to get lost . Maybe I lost a lot, but there must be obtained !

17 , the meaning of life , not to say : “I’m sorry “, but said: ” It does not matter .”

18 , love is like fireworks bloom, and then also a beautiful moment of CLS.

19 , if one day I die, that I must be oriented into the wind , always accompany you around !

20 , if you are destined to not give the response I expect , then we still kept at a safe distance from it !

21 , those who hurt so beautiful , so I would not put that smile can so painful !

22 , I began to like the original yourself, then there is no hurt , do not cry !

23 , inner freedom is the permanent representative of loneliness .

24 , the reality is too fake , or they are too stupid ?

25 , all because of loneliness , began an affair .

26 , the true meaning of life is : born, live.

27 , age is not a gap, height is not a distance.

28 , life is a one-way ticket, no retreat, no return !

29 , although sometimes I will be sad , but I have never had the happiness of others , so I contented !

30 , in love and be loved choice , I chose to be loved , wrong, can they do ?

31 , in your world , without my presence , so you do not feel my heart Cangsang !

32 , if there is no heart habitat where noted , where are homeless .

33 , no matter when , no matter where, as long as you need me, I ‘ll always be by your side.

34 , the world can ignore me , only you can not.

35 , deep pour into your arms , tightly attached to your chest , listening to the sound of your heart quietly !

36 , my weak mind , you can not afford storm-like love.

37 , please do not break my heart again only a trace of calm, I just want to keep it calm, quietly watching you .

Looking back, my heart is still the same

Looking back, my heart is still the same

What My Heart Wants to Say

What My Heart Wants to Say (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There is a cigarette , called self- cigarette ;

There is a wine called home brew ;

There is a man called Mo Jia hair.

Red ferry, past bumps who lost dreams ;

Yongjiang dark , flashing lights swaying Who ‘s situation ;

Acacia Lake , alone figure who lost heart.

I Love Him Quotes

Night , is rendering worry worry .

Past the ups and downs , indulge the now ending.

What are locked eyebrows , then do not open their hearts but also knock .

Burial earth , leaving the heart with the night air hovering over Yongjiang stream .

Be careful not own puppet , his heart became a slave .

Gently spit out smoke pervaded all ;

Slowly drink a cup of wine , eroding everything.

Scattered helpless, had a poignant brilliant night .

Sometime next night comes when the heart is still chaos in one place.

Fireworks perishable , such as the flow time !

Want to do a Red passing, to see that flowers curtain call !

Currently flowers, flowers tomorrow , quietly floating in the gap in time .

Interpretation of the distant road , but blurred his own ;

Tells the sad heart hurt , but forgotten story .

Tasting lost, pondering heart-breaking .

Identified squandering For beautiful eyes, did not know Asakusa order trotters .

Till death really was not suicide , wax torch ashes did not like this wine .

Therefore, day to drop any man also , we must first drink a glass of wine , smoked that cigarette ……

Who is away with the words of last night , so tonight ‘s speech became famous ?

Melancholy full heart into the air .

I then lamented that the sea has never Kuwata .

No tearful eyes, who never escape the shackles of the heart , but who do not wet the sadness .

Burial depths of sorrow by their own digging , one that continues to keep his solitary melancholy .

Recalls hit, do not burn the shackles of the mind .

Zeng night view of sky , the stars Xpress dislocation, the Galaxy is no longer vast .

Over the years , often filled night , he wanted to go their own minds what is missing .

Water dreams when they will resume , but hope tonight is not startled .

Nanning noise had disturbed the heart of the quiet village also brought back injuries.

Love affair with the move , who blossoms .

Can not remember how many self- Lost spring , the number of reincarnation.

I curled up in a dark corner, trying to heal yourself physically and mentally fatigued status quo.

Sad madness struck, I willfully accept !

Years sometimes fleeting , sometimes staying for the injury .

Happy moments passed away like Cousins ​​, no match for his speed of thought .

Sad day wandering in Sri Lanka , could not bear his own loneliness .

Only under the brow but our hearts dash of melancholy left me desolate ?

Past waved away, lopsided .

Passing never stay stay , here are lost trail.

Ma’am , nurtured me ; eras like wine , intoxicated me.

That fate is still in the yellow lights at …

There are many words to say to you , but do not know what to say .

Oath in person who contravenes ! Although people can go against the oath , but I can not fool ourselves.

After all, brilliant glow , sunset sunshine .

Over the years, I am still looking for your shadow .

Years later, I am still waiting for your turn ……

Looking back, my heart is still the same……